Friday, August 6, 2010

Cabin fever

Cabin fever 11th July

The pictures show the ‘innards’ of our Cabin, which is called “Supercargo” and certified for one seaman. Bigger than most hotel or motel rooms, it fulfils all the basics: toilet, shower, small fridge, cupboard space, desk (where our belles lettristic equipment sits), and coffee table as well as a double bed. It is quite cosy. As we have become more confident passengers, we’ve extended our ‘geographical’ footprint out onto E deck portside and created for ourselves what seems like our own balcony, where we sit in blue deckchairs when the sun is out. And when we are tired of one another and/or are afflicted with cabin fever, one of us retreats to the passengers’ lounge, where a jig-saw is slowly being pieced together.

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