Pacific specific, 19th July
After leaving Tauranga, where we climbed Mt. Maunganiui, we have had a rough time—not really high seas but high enough to be confined to our cabin for several days. Today is the first day we have been able to walk around CMA CMG Utrillo. We are on a shallow NE course, which will continue, with one or two minor adjustments, all the way to Panama. As there is no land to be seen, our milestones are the imaginary lines that criss-cross the Pacific: the Tropic of Capricorn and the Equator. We have crossed the other important line, the International Date Line, which meant we had the disarming experience of two consecutive Thursdays. Australia is now well and truly behind us!
To cope with the interminable stretches of time we have a variety of entertainments. These include solitary ones of reading and diary/blog writing, joint activities such as jigsaws or crossword puzzles and we have now started some communal evenings— DVDs and iPod concerts. The concerts may prove to be a highlight of the voyage as Colin is now expected to devise a suitable musical hour for Helga and now Paul, the chief engineer.
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